雅思考試“比較類”問題是口語第三部分中比較高頻的考題,這類問題看似容易回答,但是學生的答案往往會忽略這類問題的核心結構,導致丟分。下面新東方在線閆春偉老師就帶大家壹起來解讀壹下這壹類問題。 首先我們來看壹下這類問題的常見提問方式: 1. Do men and women like the same hobbies? 2. How are magazines different from newspapers? 3. Are schools nowadays the same as in the past? 4. Do shops change a lot in recent years? 相信同學們已經看出來了,12題是兩個事物進行比較,34題是壹個事物自身進行前後比較,但無論是兩個事物還是壹個事物,我們都可以用壹套方法解決。 下面再來看壹道例題以及壹名中國考生的答案: Q:Do men and women like the same hobbies? No, I think men and women like different hobbies. Men like playing computer games, or doing sports activities such as football and basketball. However, women like watching TV, shopping, going to a karaoke bar and chatting on line. 不難看出,這位考生的答案質量並不高,但是如果問同學們這個答案不好在哪裏,相信大部分同學都會說出“答案短,單詞壹般,語法簡單”等理由,但閆春偉老師分析到這名考生的答案的致命弱點是答案的結構。 同學如果仔細分析上面的答案,會發現男人的愛好有兩個,而女人的愛好有四個,所以表面看上去這位考生進行了對比,但實際上他只是進行了羅列,而沒有做到真正意義上的對比。那麽到底應該怎麽回答呢?同學們可以看壹下閆春偉老師給出的答案樣本: Well, certainly there are a few differences. The first difference is the outdoor activities. I mean, men are fond of doing sports activities like football and basketball. In contrast, women prefer going shopping for clothes or shoes. Another distinction is the TV programs they watch. For instance, men are quite into action movies. By comparison, women are more likely to watch soap operas. 這個答案樣本和上面那位同學的答案相比,最大的優勢就在於答案的結構,也就是說對比的層次很清晰,壹目了然。這類問題的答題技巧其實並不難,用壹句話概括就是“針對性對比”。也就是說我們要先說出不同點,即對比的“靶子”,然後再進行具體的比較。 我們再來看兩道例題: 例1:.How are magazines different from newspapers? 雜誌和報紙的不同點其實有很多,我們可以稍微列舉壹下: 內容:interesting VS boring 讀者:young VS old 價格:expensive VS cheap 周期:weekly or monthly VS daily 同學們答題的時候不用把所有的不同點都說出來,挑選壹兩個典型的就好,閆春偉老師建議大家“哪個好說選哪個”。答案樣本: Well, of course several differences can be found The biggest difference, I suppose, is the content. Usually, a magazine is quite entertaining because it includes colorful pictures or interesting stories. On the contrary, the information on a newspaper is a little boring. In addition, the price is also different. Normally a copy of newspaper will cost you 1 or 2 yuan, but you need to spend 15 or 20 yuan on a magazine. 例2:Are schools nowadays the same as in the past? 現在的學校和以前的學校不同點同樣有很多,例如: 大小:small VS large 設施:traditional VS modern 課程:a few VS many 師資:low VS high 我們同樣還是“哪個好說選哪個”,比如: Well, of course there are a few differences. The most obvious difference should be the facilities. I mean, in the past, all we got were the blackboard and chalks. By contrast, today’s school will provide students with advanced teaching facilities like the multi-media and well-equipped labs. Moreover, a further distinction is the courses. Decades ago, students only had to learn a few subjects and the content was easy, but nowadays students’ pressure has been largely increased because they have to deal with 7 or 8 subjects at the same time. 總之,記住“針對性對比”這句話,“比較類”問題我們就可以迎刃而解了。最後祝同學們能夠早日攻克雅思,圓自己的留學夢! |